Am I Spirit-filled?
And because of what Christ did, all you others too, who heard the Good News about how to be saved, and trusted Christ, were marked as belonging to Christ by the Holy Spirit, who long ago had been promised to all of us Christians. His presence within us is God's guarantee that he really will give us all that he promised, and the Spirit's seal upon us means that God has already purchased us and that he guarantees to bring us to himself. This is just one more reason for us to praise our glorious God. - Ephesians 1:13-14 (Living Bible) When we received Christ as Savior, the Holy Spirit entered our lives to begin the work of transforming us into Christ-likeness. When the Holy Spirit is in full control of our lives, He will expect our obedience to the written Word of God. But it is part of our human problem that we would like to be full of the Spirit and yet go on and do as we, please! - AW Tozer Following after the Holy Spirit leads to life and peace, but following after the old na...