Am I praying?

Be unceasing and persistent in prayer. - 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (Amplified Bible)

Never stop praying - (NLT)

Always keep on praying - (Living Bible)

Pray continually - (CEB)

Pray without ceasing - (KJV)

Pray all the time - (Message)

Is prayer your first response or your last resort?

Fight all your battles on your knees and you'll win every time. - Charles Stanley

Is your heart in alignment with God when you pray?

You do not have because you do not ask [it of God]. You ask [God for something] and do not receive it, because you ask with wrong motives [out of selfishness or with an unrighteous agenda], so that [when you get what you want] you may spend it on your [hedonistic] desires. - James 4:2b-3 (Amplified Bible)

Whatever God can do faith can do, and whatever faith can do prayer can do when it is offered in faith. An invitation to prayer is, therefore, an invitation to omnipotence, for prayer engages the Omnipotent God and brings Him into our human affairs. Nothing is impossible to the man who prays in faith, just as nothing is impossible with God. This generation has yet to prove all that prayer can do for believing men and women. - A. W. Tozer

Am I praying for others?

For this reason, since the day we heard about it, we have not stopped praying for you, asking [specifically] that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom [with insight into His purposes], and in understanding [of spiritual things], so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord [displaying admirable character, moral courage, and personal integrity], to [fully] please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing in the knowledge of God [with deeper faith, clearer insight and fervent love for His precepts]; [we pray that you may be] strengthened and invigorated with all power, according to His glorious might, to attain every kind of endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints (God’s people) in the Light. - Colossians 1:9-12 (Amplified Bible)

A friend standing near heard the little one cry, ‘Dear God, do grant I may be in time for school.’ It struck the listener that for once prayer could not be heard, for the child had quite a little walk before him, and the hour was already come. He was curious to see the result. Now it so happened this morning that the master, in trying to open the schoolhouse door, turned the key the wrong way, and could not stir the bolt, and they had to send for a smith to open the door. Hence a delay, and just as the door opened our little friend entered with the rest, all in good time. God has many ways of granting right desires. It was most natural that instead of crying and whining, a child that really loved God should speak to him about his trouble. Should it not be natural to you and to me spontaneously and at once to tell the Lord our sorrows and ask for help? Should not this be the first resort?” - Charles Spurgeon

Be Encouraged to make prayer your first thought and not your last resort.


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