What do you think about God?

 I am the Lord, and there is no other;
There is no God besides Me.
I will gird you, though you have not known Me,
That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me.
I am the Lord, and there is no other;
I form the light and create darkness,
I make peace and create calamity;
I, the Lord, do all these things. - Isaiah 45:5-7 (NKJV)

What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. - A. W. Tozer

In this world of my truth, your truth, his truth, her truth, our truth, and their truth, we have lost sight of, and set aside, absolute truth. As such, we have constructed a god of our own choosing to appease our conscience and allow us to live the way we want to live based on our view of truth. How we view God is important as it determines where we will spend eternity.

Independent of our view of God, it is imperative that we understand clearly how God views us. Here is what the Creator of the universe says about His creation:

As the Scriptures say,
"No one is good—no one in all the world is innocent."
No one has ever really followed God's paths or even truly wanted to.
Everyone has turned away; all have gone wrong.
No one anywhere has kept on doing what is right, not one.
Their talk is foul and filthy, like the stench from an open grave.
Their tongues are loaded with lies.
Everything they say has in it the sting and poison of deadly snakes.
Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.
They are quick to kill, hating anyone who disagrees with them.
Wherever they go, they leave misery and trouble behind them, and they have never known what it is to feel secure or enjoy God's blessing.
They care nothing about God nor what he thinks of them. - Romans 3:10-18 (Living Bible)

God is Omniscient. He knows your actions, thoughts, and the intent of your heart before you execute them. As such, He knows that anything you do in your natural state, apart from the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ, will be done for self and not to the glory of God. For God to see you differently, there must be a sacrifice for your sin and a transformation of your heart through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit at the point of salvation. Your acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary is the only acceptable sacrifice for sin in the eyes of God.

Have I created a god to justify my thoughts, beliefs, and actions, or are my thoughts, beliefs, and actions in alignment with the one true God and Creator of all?

The other day, I read that the fundamental thing is how we think of God in a periodical.
By God Himself, it is not! How God thinks of us is not only more important but infinitely more important. Indeed, how we think of Him is of no importance except in so far as it is related to how He thinks of us. It is written that we shall "stand before" Him, shall appear, shall be inspected. The promise of glory is the promise, almost incredible and only possible by the work of Christ, that some of us, that any of us who really chooses, shall actually survive that examination, shall find approval, shall please God. To please God . . . to be a real ingredient in the divine happiness . . . to be loved by God, not merely pitied, but delighted in as an artist delights in his work or a father in a son—it seems impossible, a weight or burden of glory which our thoughts can hardly sustain. But so it is. —C. S. Lewis, "The Weight of Glory" (1941)

Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole;
I want Thee forever to live in my soul,
Break down every idol, cast out every foe;
Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Lord Jesus, look down from Thy throne in the skies,
And help me to make a complete sacrifice;
I give up myself, and whatever I know,
Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Lord Jesus, for this I most humbly entreat,
I wait, blessed Lord, at Thy crucified feet;
By faith, for my cleansing, I see Thy blood flow,
Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Lord Jesus, Thou seest I patiently wait,
Come now, and within me a new heart create;
To those who have sought Thee, Thou never saidst "No,"
Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. - James Nicholson

Be Encouraged to know the one true God and align yourself with Him through the study of His Word, the Bible, the only source of absolute truth.

-Jeffrey Thornton 


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