Am I executing life with the discernment of absolute truth?

See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception [pseudo-intellectual babble], according to the tradition [and musings] of mere men, following the elementary principles of this world, rather than following [the truth—the teachings of] Christ. - Colossians 2:8 (Amplified Bible)

In last week's post, we were reminded how Abraham, a man of great faith, chose to follow the wisdom of this world to have a child with Hagar rather than waiting on God's timing. From this child's descendants came what we know today as radical Islam, forever in conflict with Israel and the Christian faith. For radical Islam to take root and prosper, it must eradicate true Biblical faith. The primary tactic being used to accomplish that agenda is to silence the Church of Jesus Christ and Christ-followers.

Enter critical race theory, black lives matter, and Antifa. These ideologies find their roots in radical Islam, whose aim is to intentionally deceive using the traditions of man to deconstruct the Christian faith. Their primary tactic is to intimidate Christ-followers into silence or a form of cultural captivity. Since the truth of God's Word stands in direct opposition to the traditions and wisdom of man, they will accuse you of being insensitive, not politically correct, and causing disharmony rather than participating in their "consensus think" based on the traditions of man and worldly wisdom. In this world, we must choose between the Word of God or the traditions and wisdom of man. One must side with the Word of God or Satan's lies, and there is no middle ground.

"If the world hates you [and it does], know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you belonged to the world, the world would love [you as] its own and would treat you with affection. But you are not of the world [you no longer belong to it], but I have chosen you out of the world. And because of this the world hates you. - John 15:18-19 (Amplified Bible)

To combat this evil or any evil, our starting point ALWAYS must to be the Word of God, the only source of absolute truth in the world. Jesus modeled this behavior when Satan tempted Him in the wilderness. His response to each temptation was not to reason or argue His point using logic or persuasion, but to quote the Word of God. Jesus was not going to participate in an exercise in futility by initiating an argument with Satan. He also did not walk away silent. He quoted the Word of God. In doing so, he did not engage an emotional argument or convince Satan to change his ways; He quoted the Word of God, nothing more, nothing less. In short, He defended the faith! This is our model to combat the evil in this world, to defend the faith with the Word of God, the only source of absolute truth.

Am I defending the faith or being bullied into silence?

But in your hearts set Christ apart [as holy—acknowledging Him, giving Him first place in your lives] as Lord. Always be ready to give a [logical] defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope and confident assurance [elicited by faith] that is within you, yet [do it] with gentleness and respect. - 1 Peter 3:15 (Amplified Bible)

Be Encouraged to read your Bible every day to increase your knowledge and confidence in the Word of God. Do not let the evil of this world silence you as you proactively defend the faith with the Word of God!

-Jeffrey Thornton 


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