Is my conscience healthy?

This is our [reason for] proud confidence: our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world [in general], and especially toward you, with pure motives and godly sincerity, not in human wisdom, but in the grace of God [that is, His gracious lovingkindness that leads people to Christ and spiritual maturity]. - 2 Corinthians 1:12 (Amplified Bible)

Everybody who is created comes into the world with a sense of right and wrong. That is the law written in the heart. In addition to that, God has instilled the conscience, and the conscience is a warning device that sounds off when we violate that law or affirms us when we obey it. The conscience is not that law; it is merely the warning device.
Take time each day to inform your conscience by reading God’s Word. Never train yourself to ignore your conscience, but respond quickly to its warnings. Cleanse your conscience through consistent confession as you seek forgiveness from those you’ve sinned against – whether God or others. Those things will strengthen your conscience so that you can enjoy the freedom and blessings of a clear conscience before God. - John MacArthur

What you do speaks so loudly, that what you say I cannot hear.

I want a principle within
of watchful, godly fear,
a sensibility of sin,
a pain to feel it near.
I want the first approach to feel
of pride or wrong desire,
to catch the wandering of my will,
and quench the kindling fire.

From thee that I no more may stray,
no more thy goodness grieve,
grant me the filial awe, I pray,
the tender conscience give.
Quick as the apple of an eye,
O God, my conscience make;
awake my soul when sin is nigh,
and keep it still awake.

Almighty God of truth and love,
to me thy power impart;
the mountain from my soul remove,
the hardness from my heart.
O may the least omission pain
my reawakened soul,
and drive me to that blood again,
which makes the wounded whole.
- Charles Wesley

Be Encouraged to cultivate, cleanse and comply with your conscience.

-Jeffrey Thornton 



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