Am I living for eternity?

He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time. He has also planted eternity [a sense of divine purpose] in the human heart [a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy, except God]—yet man cannot find out (comprehend, grasp) what God has done (His overall plan) from the beginning to the end. - Ecclesiasties 3:11 (Amplified Bible) Begin with the end in mind. - Steven Covey Westminster Shorter Catechism (July 28, 1648) Q1: What is the chief end of man? A: Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. Is the goal of my life to glorify God? Then these [unbelieving people] will go away into eternal (unending) punishment, but those who are righteous in right standing with God [will go, by His remarkable grace] into eternal (unending) life.” - Matthew 25:46 (Amplified Bible) The punishment of the wicked is as never-ending as the bliss of the righteous. The wicked are not given a second chance, nor are they annihilated. Jesus indicates that the...